Notice Details

School Supplies List

22 October, 2024


  1. Change of clothes in  a  large  zip  lock  bag 
  2. 2  Rolls  of  paper  towel 
  3. 2  Boxes  of  tissues  
  4. 1  container  of  Clorox  wipes  (if  available) 
  5. 1  Bottle  of  Lysol  spray  (if  available) 
  6. 1  Large  size  of  hand  sanitizer  (if  available)
  7. Scissor  (small  size) 
  8. Eraser 
  9. Pencil  sharpener  
  10. 1  Folder 
  11. Box  of  pencils 
  12. Box  of  colored  pencils 
  13. 2  Large  of  Elmer’s  glue  sticks 
  14. 1  Bottle  of  Elmer’s  white  glue 
  15. 2  Colored  carton  board  (any  color) 
  16. $5 for  supplies 

Kindergarten Supply List

  1.  1  large  backpack  
  2.  1  pack  of  24  pencils  (pre-sharpened) 
  3.  2  boxes  of  24  count  Crayola  crayons 
  4.  12  glue  sticks  (Elmer’s  preferred) 
  5.  3  pink  erasers 
  6.  2  pairs  of  scissors 
  7.  3  plastic  folders  (two  pockets) 
  8.  1  pack  of  play  dough 
  9.  1  plastic  supply  box 
  10.  2  containers  of  sanitizing  wipes  (Clorox  if  available)
  11.  1  large  hand  sanitizer  (if  available) 
  12.  2  boxes  of  tissues 
  13.  2  rolls  of  paper  towels 
  14.  $5  in  an  envelope  with  your  child’s  name  on  it.  

1st Grade AND 2nd Grade Supply List

  1. 1 – 1” white binder with clear front sleeve
  2. 6 composition notebooks-needed for Arabic, Deen, Quran, Spelling, Math, and Writing.
  3. 1 plastic school box(size 11 ½ L x 7 ⅝ W size will hold 1 box crayons and  big markers)
  4. 1 pencil case (bag)
  5. 2 boxes of (48) sharpened yellow #2 pencils (yellow only please!  We have found the decorated and rose art pencils jam the pencil sharpener)
  6. 2 boxes of Crayola crayons (24 count)
  7. 6 folders- needed for Arabic, Deen, Quran, Spelling, Math, and Writing.
  8. 1 boxes Crayola classic thick washable markers
  9. 1 box Crayola thin washable markers
  10. 1 pair of scissors
  11. 2 white OR pink erasers
  12. 2 rolls of paper towels
  13. 2 boxes of facial tissue
  14. 1 (4-pack) Expo dry erase-markers
  15. 1 box quart size bags
  16. 1 Clorox/Lysol antibacterial wipes
  17. 1 coloring book and shaving cream (inside recess)
  18. 1 box of band-aids
  19. $5 in an envelope with your child’s name on it for classroom supplies

3rd Grade Supply List

  1. No. 2 Pencils (at least 2 dozen to start the year.  Please replenish each month)
  2. Pencil sharpener
  3. Erasers
  4. Crayons /colored pencils/markers
  5. Highlighters
  6. Glue sticks
  7. Scissors
  8. Pencil case
  9. Ruler with inches/centimetres
  10. WIDE RULED loose-leaf paper (3 packs to start with)
  11. 7 SINGLE subject WIDE ruled notebooks (NO college ruled PLEASE)
  12. 2 packs of 3 x 5 index cards
  13. At least 3 sturdy folders with pockets
  14. 1 pack of Construction Paper
  15. Dry erase markers
  16. Tissue boxes
  17. 1 Box quart size Ziploc bags
  18. Disinfectant wipes
  19. $5 in an envelope with your child’s name on it for extra classroom supplies
  20. 4th Grade Supply List
  21. No. 2 Pencils (at least 2 dozen to start the year.  Please replenish each month)
  22. Pencil sharpener
  23. Erasers
  24. Crayons /colored pencils/markers
  25. Highlighters
  26. Glue sticks
  27. Scissors
  28. Pencil case
  29. Ruler with inches/centimetres
  30. WIDE RULED loose-leaf paper (3 packs to start with)
  31. 7 SINGLE subject WIDE ruled notebooks (NO college ruled PLEASE)
  32. 2 packs of 3 x 5 index cards
  33. At least 3 sturdy folders with pockets
  34. 1 pack of Construction Paper
  35. Dry erase markers
  36. Tissue boxes
  37. 1 Box quart size Ziploc bags
  38. Disinfectant wipes
  39. $5 in an envelope with your child’s name on it for extra classroom supplies

5th – 8th Supply List for Middle School Students

  1. A spiral notebook for each subject (At least 8 folders)
  2. TWO (2) composition notebooks
  3. Folders for each subject
  4. An organizer for the folders
  5. 1 3-ring binder with loose leaf paper
  6. Zipper binder
  7. Several sharpened pencils and erasers
  8. Pencil sharpener
  9. Pens-please make sure you have RED, blue and black ink pens.
  10. Index cards
  11. Crayons, markers, and/or colored pencils for projects
  12. Glue and glue sticks
  13. Scissors
  14. Ruler, protractor and compass
  15. One package of highlighters
  16. Scientific calculator (6th – 8th graders)
  17. Tissue boxes
  18. Dry erase markers
  19. $5 in an envelope with your child’s name on it for classroom supplies